1. Top definition
          A word commonly used instead of "than". Then is to Than as Your is to You're.
          If you missuse the word "then", everyone will know you're a fucking fucktard.
          by sj0r January 03, 2004
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          Jul 6 Word of the Day
          Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
          People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
          by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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          At a later point in time; following the current event. Not to be confused with than.
          Do this, then that, then the other thing.
          by Frungi September 04, 2006
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          Nightime on the kids network Noggin, which also happens to be a division of Nickelodeon, which also happens to be a shitty kids network.

          The-N is a great channel along with Fuse and HBO.
          Watch The-N or die.
          by FhillyMan August 19, 2003
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          television channel containing teenage shows such as Degrassi:The Next Generation, Instant Star and Girls vs. Boys. They used to show Pete and Pete but it got cancelled.
          I was watching " The N" tonight and Manny is SUCH a slut!

          by lkajsoikd October 11, 2005
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          1 at a particular time in the past or future
          2 used to say what happens next or what you do next
          3a) used when saying what the result of a situation or action will be
          b) spoken used when you think that something is probably true because of what you know about the situation
          4 but then (again)used to say that although something is true, something else is also true which makes the first thing seem less important
          5 spoken
          a) used at the beginning of a conversation or activity
          b) used at the end of a conversation, especially to show that something has been agreed
          c) used to show that you are saying something because of what someone has just said
          6 used to add something to what you have just mentioned
          7 used to refer back to what you have just been talking about
          8 then and there also there and then immediately

          only before noun
          used when mentioning the person who had a particular job, title, or position at a time in the past

          (@ Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

          I wish I had known then what I know now.
          It was then that I realised she'd tricked me.
          He started his career in St Petersburg - or Leningrad as it then was.

          by/until/since then

          They're sending out the results next week, so we won't know anything until then.
          It was late evening when the doctor arrived, and by then it was too late.
          That was in 1970. Since then the place has changed a lot.
          They met in 1942 and from then on (=starting at that time) they were firm friends.
          Silently she closed the door. Just then she heard a noise.
          I was paid ยฃ1000, which was a lot of money back then (=a long time ago when things were different) in the 1950s.

          Mix the flour and butter, then add the eggs.
          Byron travelled to Italy and then to Greece.

          If you won't tell him, then I will.
          Start off early, then you won't have to rush.

          Still in your pyjamas? Have you just got out of bed then?

          William didn't succeed first time, but then very few people do.
          Elaine's father might lend them the money, but then again he might not.
          Now then, what would you like to do today?
          Right then, shall we start?
          Good, that's settled then. We'll all meet here next Wednesday.
          Okay then, I'll see you at work.
          'We're late.' 'We'd better hurry, then.'
          'Friday's no good.' 'Then how about Saturday?'

          We have to invite your parents and my parents, and then there's your brother.

          This then was the situation facing the government at the end of the war.

          He wasn't prepared to wait - he wanted the money then and there.

          (now and then)

          a visit to China by the then US President, Richard Nixon
          by mimi9 January 02, 2008
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          stupid network that delays it`s best franchise ''degrassi'' by having really long breaks that annoy it`s viewers. and editing way to much. manny was pregnant and they didn`t show us the abortion episode!
          having half-way through the season finales. like 'back in black'.
          by crazyiind0lence December 21, 2004
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