This is where all 50 states stand on reopening
This is where each state is during its phased reopening
As of May 20, each state that had imposed a stay-at-home order or shelter in place had begun lifting the restrictions of businesses and public spaces.
People were allowed, in some places, to go back to restaurants and offices and places of worship. Some people have ventured out; some people continue to stay home as much as possible.
State officials and health experts say they want to see expanded testing, tracking contacts of people who had the virus, improved treatment options and vaccine development when they consider moving on to the next step of the reopening process.
Here's the latest on where states stand in their reopenings:
The state’s stay-at-home order expired April 30 and Gov. Kay Ivey has issued several amendments. The state is allowing non-work gatherings of any size, as long as people maintain six feet of distancing. Retailers and beaches have reopened with restrictions.
Gyms, athletic facilities, barber shops, hair salons and nail salons have reopened with certain rules.
Restaurants, bars and breweries may allow on-property consumption of food and drink, with certain rules.
Starting May 22, new rules were put in place, through at least July 3:
— Entertainment venues, child care and summer camps are allowed to open, subject to social-distancing and sanitation rules.
Educational institutions will be allowed to reopen on June 1 if they observe social distancing, sanitize the facilities and require employees to wear face coverings.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy said May 19 that all businesses and houses of worship will be allowed to open on Friday, May 22 at 8 a.m.
“It will all be open, just like it was prior to the virus,” Dunleavy said at a news conference.
Businesses can return to 100% of their normal capacity, although local communities will have the option of keeping stricter rules.
Also libraries, museums, recreational activities and sports activities may open.
Dunleavy said the reopening makes a spread of coronavirus more likely, but no longer a statewide health emergency.
“We should have this well under control in terms of managing it. If there are spikes, if there are clusters, we’ll deal with that,” the governor said.
The governor said they will monitor their Covid-19 numbers after the business reopening and will be prepared to tighten restrictions again, but he doesn’t believe that will be necessary. “I don’t foresee us going back to something that’s statewide,” Dunleavy said.
Arizona allowed retail stores to do in-person business again from May 8 with strict physical distancing.
Gov. Doug Ducey said new coronavirus cases are declining “Arizona is heading in the right direction.” Barbershops and salons were included in the May 8 reopening order, although all businesses are required to maintain social distancing.
From May 11 Arizona restaurants were able to offer dine-in services again. The governor said the state is working with the industry to come up with specific distancing rules for restaurants later in the week.
Ducey on April 29 extended the state’s stay-at-home order until May 15 with modifications. Under the new order, elective surgeries could begin May 1.
Navajo Nation extended the closure of its government until May 17.
Gov. Asa Hutchinson said on April 30 that gyms, fitness centers, and indoor athletic facilities could resume operations beginning May 4; barbershops and hair salons from May 6.
The state allowed restaurants to open for limited dine-in service May 11. Restaurants will be able to operate at a third of their normal capacity and they must limit groups to no larger than 10 people.
Hutchinson said that if the state continues to see a downward trend of coronavirus cases, it will move into a second phase by allowing restaurants to increase to 67% of capacity.
Hutchinson on May 4 said the state encourages places of worship to use online platforms for services, but can also have in-person events. The guidelines include: signs advising anyone who has been sick they shouldn’t enter, six feet of social distancing inside except for family groups, and face coverings for everyone older than 10.
The governor announced on May 21 that high school and community teams will be allowed to resume skill training under strict measures on June 1.
Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a stay-at-home order on March 19 that has no set end date. But the state is gradually reopening on a county-by-county basis.
On May 4 the state announced some retailers -- clothing stores, florists, and bookshops — will be allowed to reopen with curbside pickup and physical distancing. Associated manufacturing and supply chain for those retail businesses will also be able to get back to work.
Newsom said May 20 that more than half of the state’s 58 counties are moving further into ‘phase two’ of the state’s four-pronged approach to reopening.
The governor said 33 counties have begun to move forward. These counties have reached criteria which includes no more than 5% increase in hospitalizations over a week-long period and fewer than 25 coronavirus cases per 100,000 residents.
On May 25, the state said it would allow places of worship and retail stores to let people in.
Houses of worship can open to 100 people, or at 25% capacity, whichever is lower.
Professional sports will be allowed to return in the first week of June, according to Newsom.
The state’s “safer-at-home” order took effect April 27 and is in effect until May 27.
Retail businesses can reopen with curbside delivery and elective medical procedures can resume. Businesses such as personal training and dog grooming can reopen with social distancing.
Retail businesses began to reopen May 1, while people were permitted to return to non-essential office work May 4.
On May 11, Gov. Jared Polis said state park campsites would be available for rental beginning May 12.
The governor said May 25 that in-person dining will be allowed at 50% capacity or 50 people, whichever is less, starting May 27. Restaurants are also being encouraged to provide outdoor seating. Bars will remain closed.
The state began reopening May 20.
Offices and stores may open at 50% capacity. Restaurants can offer outdoor seating.
Hair salons and barber shops may reopen June 1.
Gov. Ned Lamont said the second phase will begin June 20. Indoor facilities including gyms, hotels, personal services, indoor restaurants (though no bars) will be allowed to re-open, as well as some educational and community services including selected youth sports, all summer day camps, K-12 summer schools (which will open July 6) and some graduate programs in July and August.
The state’s stay-at-home order is in effect through May 31 but some restrictions have been lifted.
That included May 19 when Gov. John Carney said retail establishments may operate by appointment only starting May 20.
Carney had said May 14 that Delaware will lift restrictions on state beaches and community pools on May 22, and on ice cream shops and trucks on May 15, but all will have to follow strict social distancing requirements.
On May 18 the governor issued updated guidance for churches and other houses of worship today, which encourages virtual services, but expands the ability for churches and other houses of worship to conduct in-person services with restrictions, according to a release from the state.
According to the release, anyone 13-years-old or older is required to wear a face covering, and high-risk Delawareans, including those over 65-years-old, and anyone who is sick, should not attend in-person services.
District of Columbia
Mayor Muriel E. Bowser announced May 27 that restaurants with outside seating will be allowed to serve diners outside on May 29, although there is a limit of six people per table with tables 6 feet apart. Nonessential retail stores -- which have been closed -- will be permitted to deliver or offer curbside pickup of items.
Other provisions in Phase 1 include barbershops and hair salons, which will be allowed to open for appointments for hair services only. Nail salons and other services are still prohibited.
Florida reopened certain businesses through much of the state on May 4.
Starting May 4, restaurants were allowed to offer outdoor seating with six-foot space between tables and indoor seating at 25% capacity. Retail can operate at 25% of indoor capacity, and bars, gyms and personal services such as hairdressers will remain closed. Churches remain on "voluntary social distancing," and movie theaters remain closed. The state's stay-at-home order ended on April 30. Gov. Ron DeSantis defended the decision made by local leaders to reopen the beaches as he awaits recommendations from the Re-Open Florida Task Force.
Florida Keys businesses will be allowed to reopen to visitors beginning June 1. Checkpoints will be removed on two roads leading from South Florida into the Keys and there will no longer be passenger screenings at Key West International and Florida Keys Marathon International airports.
Lodging business can operate at 50% capacity.
Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez announced that beaches and hotels will reopen on June 1. Lounging on the sand, walking, swimming and jogging will be allowed with restrictions. Hotels will be allowed to reopen at 100%, but the common areas will only be allowed to reopen at 50% capacity.
Gov. Brian Kemp started to ease restrictions April 24.
Gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, hair and nail salons, estheticians and massage therapists were able to reopen April 24, with certain rules. Theaters and restaurants were allowed to reopen April 27, also with caveats.
The caveats include social distancing and screening employees for illness.
Bars, nightclubs and music venues will remain closed, for now.
A shelter-in-place order for "medically fragile and elderly Georgians" is in place through June 12.
The shelter-in-place order for other Georgians ended April 30.
"However, moving forward, I am urging Georgians to continue to stay home whenever possible,” Kemp said in a statement. "I want to thank the people of our great state who heeded public health advice, afforded us time to bolster our health-care infrastructure, and flattened the curve. We were successful in these efforts, but the fight is far from over."
Gov. David Ige on May 5 announced a plan to ease the stay-at-home restrictions in place, calling it a “safer-at-home” plan.
On May 7, in the first phase of the plan, a number of businesses were allowed to open, including shopping malls, car washes, pet grooming, elective surgery, nonprofit organizations, and in-person retail businesses as long as social distancing is maintained.
Beaches are now open for exercising such as jogging, running or walking and on May 13 the governor said that recreational activities can take place on some beaches starting May 15.
People in Kauai to return to the beaches as long as they are in groups of no more than 10 people from the same household.
The state is continuing to discourage visitors to the islands for now, as anyone arriving from out of state must immediately quarantine for 14 days.
Groups of two people or more are now allowed to fish for subsistence or commercial purposes, Ige said earlier. A previous restriction limited such gatherings to two people.
After Gov. Brad Little's "Order to Self-Isolate" expired on May 1, Idaho's entered the first stage of the state's recovery plan. Bars, gyms and theaters must remain closed and restaurants can continue carryout service, but some other businesses and places of worship could open with social distancing plans.
Little said that the measures were working and Idaho is "truly seeing a flattening of the curve."
Under the second phase, restaurant dining and salons would be permitted to open, although gatherings would still be limited to fewer than 10 people.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued a modified stay-at-home order that went into effect on May 1 and extends through the end of the month. The order allows more flexibility "where it is safe" to do so, according to Pritzker.
This new order allows residents to leave their home for essential activities, including for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services, for outdoor activity, for certain types of work, to take care of others, and to engage in the free exercise of religion.
"All we were trying to do was to make more explicit that people do have the right to gather in a group of 10 or less," he said. "As long as you are social distancing."
State parks, golf courses, retail stores, and garden centers are some of the few places that are reopening with strict social measures.
Non-urgent surgeries that have been put off due to the crisis can also now be scheduled in surgery centers and hospitals, according to the governor.
Pritzker also announced guidance on the use of masks in public. He said, "Tomorrow will be the first day where adults and any children over the age of two and everyone medically able to tolerate a face covering will be required to wear one in public places where they can't maintain a 6-foot social distance."
On May 5, the governor also announced a five-phase reopening plan. Pritzker said that Phase 3 -- when manufacturing, offices, retail, barbershops and salons can reopen, with restrictions -- won’t begin until May 29 at the earliest.
On May 14, Pritzker said that every region in the state is on track to move into the next phase of re-opening in about two weeks.
Gov. Eric Holcomb's stay-at-home order expired May 1 and the state is currently in Stage 1 of the its reopening plan. Critical businesses have opened but all other industries are closed.
Stage 2, which rolled out for most of the state on May 4, eases restrictions on essential travel, permits social gatherings of up to 25 people and reopens state government offices with limited public interaction. Retail and commercial businesses can open at 50% capacity, as can shopping malls, though indoor common areas are restricted to 25% capacity.
Restaurants and bars that serve food can open starting May 11 at 50% capacity, and personal services such as hair salons, barbershops, nail salons and tattoo parlors can open at that time by appointment only.
Indiana is part of a Midwest coalition of states looking at reopening possibilities.
Gov. Kim Reynolds has not declared a stay-at-home order. Reynolds allowed 77 of Iowa's 99 counties to reopen restaurants, fitness centers, retail stores and enclosed malls at 50% capacity beginning May 1. Reynolds also lifted the ban on religious gatherings of more than 10 people.
This is "a targeted approach to loosening restrictions" and focuses on counties "where there is no virus activity or where virus activity has been consistently low and shown a downward trend," said Reynolds.
Counties where Covid-19 activity is higher will have their closures extended through May 15, the governor said. "It's based on a stabilization and it's based on virus activity and the amount of new cases over the past 14 days," Reynolds said.
"Businesses and churches approved for reopening must also adhere to social distancing, hygiene, public health measures, and business guidelines from the department of public health to, of course, reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19," the governor said.
Reynolds also said that restaurants will have to keep tables at least six feet apart and limit the number of people that can be at a table.
The governor emphasized that the state limit on social gatherings of more than 10 people remains in place.
The state’s stay-at-home order ended May 4. Gov. Laura Kelly said resaturants can open if they adhere to proper public health guidelines and can maintain at least 6 feet between customers.
Libraries and child care facilities also may open.
Bars, nightclubs, casinos, gyms, and personal service businesses where close contact cannot be avoided must remain closed.
On May 6, Kelly signed a proclamation that allowed dental services to resume statewide in compliance with special guidelines adopted by the Iowa Dental Board.
Also, campgrounds, drive-in movie theaters, tanning facilities and medical spas may partially reopen following guidelines and taking public health measures.
Fitness centers, malls and other retail establishments in the 22 counties that did not ease restrictions May 1 may also reopen at 50% capacity.
After issuing a “healthy at home” order in March, the state rolled out the following plan to reopen certain businesses and services. In all cases, reopened businesses are told to follow certain rules.
— May 11: These sectors were allowed to reopen: manufacturing, construction, vehicle or vessel dealerships; professional services at 50% capacity; horse racing without fans; and dog grooming and boarding will be allowed to reopen, according to Gov. Andy Beshear.
— May 20: Retail and houses of worship will be allowed to reopen.
— May 22: Restaurants can reopen at 33% capacity, and with outdoor seating.
Beshear said May 14 that groups of 10 people or fewer will be allowed as of May 22, but encouraged people to meet outside and keep six feet of distance from others.
— May 25: Barber shops, salons and cosmetology businesses may reopen. Also, 10-person social gatherings will be allowed again.
— June 1: Movie theaters and fitness centers can reopen.
— June 8: Museums, outdoor attractions, aquariums, libraries, and distilleries may reopen
— June 11: Campgrounds can reopen.
— June 15: Childcare services may resume, with reduced capacity.
Later, perhaps in July, the state could allow bars to reopen, as well has gatherings up to 50 people, Beshear said.
Customers and employees will be asked to wear a mask at every reopened and essential business.
Gov. John Bel Edwards said May 11 the stay-at-home order, set to expire May 15, will not be extended.
Under the new order, malls in Louisiana will remain closed to the public, but stores can offer curbside delivery. Restaurants can still do takeout and delivery orders but can also offer outdoor seating. There will not be any wait staff, but customers will be able to sit outside and eat if they want, minding social distancing rules. Edwards also said that all employees in businesses interacting with the public are required to wear masks.
Churches can operate outdoors with tents as long as those tents don't have flaps on the side, the governor said.
Businesses that were previously directed to close will remain closed, including salons, barbershops, bars and casinos.
Edwards said his decision to extend the order was based on data, science and the guidance from the White House.
Edwards said the state has not met the threshold where they need to be in hospitalizations, new cases and testing.
Gov. Janet Mills announced that while the state has started to flatten the curve, it is still not out of the woods. She extended the state's stay-at-home order through May 31, allowing some businesses to reopen on May 1.
These include barber shops and hair salons, auto dealerships and drive-in, stay-in-your-vehicle religious services but the businesses must comply with strict health and safety protocols. Residents must wear cloth masks in public places where physical distancing is difficult to maintain.
The state’s stay-at-home order ended May 15 and was replaced by a new health advisory. Gov. Larry Hogan said May 13 that retail stores may open with 50% capacity, manufacturing operations may resume, barber shops and hair salons may open with 50% capacity by appointment only and churches can begin to hold religious services again either outside or indoors with 50% capacity.
Hogan advised proper precautions, such as masks and social distancing, must still be practiced.
Restaurants may reopen for outdoor dining May 29 at 5 p.m., Hogan announced during a news conference May 27. Social organizations such as Veterans of Foreign Wars, youth sports leagues, day camps, outdoor pools and drive-in movie theaters will also reopen then.
The governor had announced May 6 that elective medical procedures could resume at the discretion of local hospitals and healthcare providers.
From May 9 the state allowed more outdoor activities, such as walking, hiking, running, or biking, golf, tennis, boating, fishing, and camping.
Closed state parks and state beaches can reopen for people who are exercising, Hogan added.
Gov. Charlie Baker announced that he is extending the timeline for the closure of nonessential businesses.
"We are extending the timeline for all nonessential businesses to keep the physical workplaces and facilities closed to all workers, customers and the public until May 18 and the state-at-home advisory also remains in place during this time," Baker said, adding that gatherings of 10 or more are also banned until May 18.
On May 19, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said the city will reopen office spaces a week later than the rest of the state as part of the governor’s plan. The state will allow offices to reopen May 25.
****Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on May 7 said the state's stay-at-home order has been extended through May 28. The order allowed manufacturing workers to resume work May 11.
The big three auto suppliers, in agreement with United Auto Workers (UAW) union, will begin phasing into work on May 18, the governor said, where they’ll be starting at 25% capacity before phasing up.
In an April 24 order, Whitmer relaxed restrictions so some businesses can reopen and the public can participate in more outdoor activities like golf and motorized boating.
That order allowed landscapers, lawn-service companies, plant nurseries and bike repair shops to resume operating, subject to social-distancing rules.
Big-box retailers will no longer have to close off garden centers and areas dedicated to selling paint and carpet.
People also are allowed to travel between their residences, though it isn't encouraged. They will be allowed to use motorized boats and play golf in adherence with social distancing protocols. State parks, which have been accessible during the health emergency, will remain open.
On May 18, Whitmer signed an order lifting restrictions in the Upper Peninsula and the Traverse City areas, starting Friday.
The order allows for the reopening of retail businesses, office work that cannot be done remotely, and restaurants and bars with limited seating (50% capacity).
Gov. Tim Walz extended the state's stay at home order until May 18.
Retail stores may reopen then if they have safety plans and can operate at no more than 50% capacity.
The governor said when the stay at home order ends, it will be replaced with an order that allows people to gather with friends and family of groups of less than 10.
Mississippi's statewide Safer at Home order will end June 1.
****Gov. Tate Reeves said businesses will be allowed to reopen with conditions.
The state has two rules for gathering: one where social distancing is possible and one for when social distancing isn’t possible, Reeves said. For social gatherings that comply with social distancing, there is a limit of 50 people indoors and up to 100 people outdoors. Gatherings where people cannot socially distance have limits of 20 people indoors and no more than 50 people outdoors. Health care procedures can return as long as hospitals reserve at least 25% of capacity for Covid-19 patients. School buildings will also be able to open for summer programs.
Gov. Mike Parson on April 16 extended the stay-at-home order through May 3.
Parson announced his Show Me Strong Recovery” plan on April 27, under which the state started reopening economic and social activity on May 4. There are no limitations on social gatherings as long as six feet of distance can be maintained between individuals.
All business will be able to reopen as long as six feet of social distancing can be maintained. Indoor retail businesses will also have to limit their number of customers to no more than 25% of normal capacity. Local communities will be allowed to have stricter rules if they choose.
A gradual and phased reopening of the state began April 26 for individuals and for businesses April 27.
Restaurants, bars, breweries, and distilleries were allowed to provide some in-establishment services beginning May 4.
On June 1, the number of people allowed in restaurants, bars,pools and gyms will be increased to 75% capacity.
Bowling alleys and “other places of assembly” may operate with reduced capacity, the governor said.
Restaurants are permitted to allow customers inside but must permit no more than 50% of their normal capacity. Salons, massage businesses and tattoo parlors will be limited to 10 people at a time, with everyone wearing face coverings. Houses of worship will be able to meet in-person, but with 6 feet of separation.
Gov. Pete Ricketts said youth baseball and softball teams can begin practice under new guidelines starting June 1, with games slated to resume June 18.
Gov. Steve Sisolak said May 7 that the state's stay-at-home order would end in two days rather than May 15.
“I’m able to move up this announcement because, as a state, we have met our gateway benchmarks for starting reopening,” Sisolak said.
Starting May 9, restaurants were allowed to open for dine-in services with social distancing, and customers waiting for a table will stay outside. Most retail establishments can open, including hair salons, by reservation only. Retail businesses are limited to 50% of normal capacity.
Sisolak made it clear that casinos will stay closed until the Gaming Control Board determines they can safely open.
Additionally, bars, bowling alleys, movie theaters and tattoo parlors are among the other businesses that will have to remain closed.
New Hampshire
Gov. Chris Sununu issued a modified stay-at-home order, called "Stay at Home 2.0" which is in effect until May 31.
The governor said the state is looking to reopen based on facts, science and data. Sununu did clarify that the stay-at-home order is still in place.
"You are healthier at home, we want you to stay at home," he said.
Elective surgeries can resume on May 4 if they are time sensitive. On May 11, barbers and hair salons were allowed to reopen as long as customers have reservations and there are no more than 10 people in the salon, including staff. Customers and employees must wear face masks.
Retail shops also opened on May 11 to customers but will be limited to 50% occupancy and employees must wear face masks.
Restaurants will reopen on May 18, but only with outdoor seating options. Tables must be 6 feet apart, only six people can be seated at a table and servers must have cloth face coverings.
New Jersey
Gov. Phil Murphy issued a stay-at-home order on March 21 that has no specific end date. State parks, golf courses and county parks reopened May 2.
On April 27, Murphy announced a “Road Back” plan, which did not name dates for when other restrictions would be lifted, but instead laid out six principles or metrics that would guide when the easing will happen. They included 14-days of declining new Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations, and expanding the state’s capacity to test for the disease.
Reopening will likely begin in workplaces and venues where the state has a "high degree of confidence" that social distancing and other related norms can be effectively executed, Murphy said then.
On May 6, Murphy said he was extending a public health emergency declaration for 30 days. This does not alter the state’s stay-at-home order or “Road Back” plan, but rather allows Murphy to use state resources as necessary to combat the spread of coronavirus, he said. “If it signals one thing, it is this: We can’t give up one bit on the one thing we know that is working in this fight -- social distancing,” Murphy said.
On May 19 the governor said residents can now shop for vehicles in person beginning the next day.
New Mexico
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and health officials extended the state's stay-at-home order to May 31.
Grisham is allowing most businesses in the state to reopen starting May 16, but only at 25% capacity.
The order does not include salons, gyms, malls and dine-in service at restaurants. It also does not apply to three counties in the northwestern part of the state that are considered hotspots for coronavirus.
The revised order requires people to wear face coverings beginning May 16.
On April 30, she eased restrictions on some businesses. Non-essential retail stores are being allowed to offer curbside pickup. Veterinarians can open, as can pet adoption places, groomers, daycare and boarding businesses. Golf courses can allow people to play.
New York
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said May 14 that there are five regions in the state – Central New York, North Country, Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, and Mohawk Valley -- that meet the metrics required to reopen May 15.
Cuomo on May 11 reiterated that the reopening of businesses would be phased, starting with construction, manufacturing, retail (curbside pickup), agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Phase two would use more of a business-by-business analysis using a matrix that determines each businesses overall importance and risk in reopening.
Cuomo has said the state would leave two weeks between phases so it can monitor the effects of what it has done. Two weeks is the incubation period of the virus, per experts.
North Carolina
Gov. Roy Cooper said May 20 the state would shift from a stay-at-home order to a “safer at home” order on May 22 as part of phase 2 of reopening.
In phase 1, which began May 8: Retail stores were limited to 50% capacity. Child care facilities opened for children of working parents or those looking for work.
Phase 2 won’t be as expansive as first planned. Restaurants will be allowed to open but bars, nightclubs, gyms, and indoor fitness facilities wil stay closed.
Gatherings will be limited to 10 people indoors, and 25 people outdoors.
North Dakota
Many businesses were allowed to open on May 1. Qualifying businesses included bars and restaurants, recreational facilities, health clubs and athletic facilities, salons, and tattoo studios, but they must maintain social distancing of six feet, inform all employees and customers that they should avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever, provide contactless payment systems and hand sanitizer, and encourage wearing face masks.
Movie theaters must limit admittance to 20% of normal operating capacity and keep at least two empty seats between guests.
On May 11, Gov. Doug Burgum said summer school classes and certain summer programs will be able to take place in school buildings beginning June 1.
A statewide stay-at-home order will remain in place until May 29, the state health department said. Certain businesses, however, are expected to reopen in phases across May.
Starting May 1, health procedures that don't require an overnight hospital stay can move forward, and dentist and veterinarian offices also may reopen, Gov. Mike DeWine said.
From May 4, manufacturing, distribution and construction companies can reopen. General offices also may open, but businesses should have people work from home when possible, DeWine said.
From May 12, consumer, retail and other services will be allowed to reopen, the governor said.
The state has outlined protocols for reopening businesses, including requiring face coverings for all staff and customers, conducting daily health assessments, and maintaining good hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing.
Child care providers will be allowed to open May 31 with reduced numbers of children, DeWine said May 14. Preschool classes will be limited to nine children, while classes with infants and toddlers will only be allowed six per classroom. Day camps will also be allowed to open May 31.
Lt. Governor Jon Husted on May 14 announced additional reopening dates, starting with campgrounds, which can reopen on May 21, if they can meet safety protocols. Horse racing can resume on May 22, but spectators will be prohibited.
From May 26, gyms and fitness centers can reopen, low- or non-contact sports leagues can resume if they can meet safety protocols and pools can reopen if they are regulated by local health departments. Water parks or amusement parks are not included in the order.
The governor said some sports teams, including football, basketball and lacrosse can resume training by June 1.
Catering businesses and banquet halls are set to reopen on June 1 under similar guidelines as restaurants and by limiting crowds to 300 guests.
Gov. Kevin Stitt allowed some businesses to reopen beginning April 24.
Among them are personal care businesses, restaurants, dining rooms, movie theaters, sporting venues and gyms if they maintain "strict social distancing and sanitation protocols."
Bars, however, will still be closed.
The plan involves three phases, and Stitt cautioned "we will not move to the next phase until the data tells us that it's safe to do so."
Gov. Kate Brown had extended the state’s stay-at-home order through July 6. On May 18, a judge said the governor’s emergency coronavirus restrictions violate state law and are “null and void.”
The state immediately filed an appeal with the Oregon Supreme Court.
Several restrictions have been lifted.
On May 1, non-urgent medical procedures began. On May 8, the state began accepting applications from counties that wanted to reopen.
If counties are approved, they will be permitted to open restaurants and bars for sit down
service with social distancing, barbers and salons on an appointment only basis, retail businesses with social distancing in place and group sizes will be allowed to increase to 25.
Counties will be monitored for 21 days after entering phase one and if they show no significant growth in the number of cases, they will be considered for entry into phase two.
On May 14 the governor said 26 counties have been approved and were allowed to reopen with protective measures in place on May 15. Phase one will also permit the opening of shopping malls in areas approved by the governor’s office.
Gov. Tom Wolf wants to reopen the state in three phases beginning May 8.
The phases will be broken down into three colors -- red, yellow and green -- and will follow the data, according to Wolf. He had issued stay-at-home orders across the state until April 30.
For those in the red category, the order was extended on May 7 until June 4.
For 24 counties in the yellow zone, a limited reopening of all businesses was allowed from May 8, “so long as they strictly adhere to the requirements of this guidance,” according to Wolf’s office. The guidance for businesses can be found here.
****On April 27, Wolf announced that golf courses, marinas, guided fishing trips and privately owned campgrounds could reopen statewide May 1, provided they follow social distancing guidelines.
“Pennsylvanians have remained resilient throughout this Covid-19 crisis, and as we successfully continue to flatten the curve to protect our physical health, it is critical that we also focus on our physical and mental health during these extraordinary times. As the weather warms and daylight lengthens, enjoying time outdoors is an important way to manage stress," Wolf said.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr Rachel Levine said May 6 that the state is allowing elective procedures to start in hospitals and health systems as well as ambulatory surgical facilities in most counties, but not the hardest hit.
Pennsylvania had joined a coalition with the Northeastern states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachusetts to coordinate the reopening of the economy, according to a press release from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office.
Rhode Island
Gov. Gina Raimondo said May 7 that the statewide stay-at-home order would expire May 8, and the state would begin Phase 1 of its reopening.
As of May 9, these places or services may restart if they comply with rules like cleaning frequently, reducing capacity, and screening employees: retail stores; elective medical procedures and other healthcare needs like immunizations and specialty care; state parks; and places of worship with five people or fewer. Employees of office-based businesses who need to go to the office may do so on a very limited basis, but work from home is encouraged.
Strict restrictions remain in place for some businesses. Restaurants still are limited to delivery and takeout. Outdoor dining might be permitted eventually in Phase 1.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities remain closed to visitors.
Entertainment venues like movie theaters, bowling alleys, museums, gyms, salons, and barber shops remain closed.
On May 19, Raimondo announced a smartphone app for residents called “Crushing Covid.” The app will update Rhode Islanders on the reopening.
Places of worship can open to parishioners at 25% of total capacity beginning May 30, Raimondo said May 20.
South Carolina
Gov. Henry McMaster on May 11 said that close contact service providers, fitness and exercise centers, commercial gyms, and public or commercial pools will be able to open in a limited capacity on Monday, May 18. Restaurant dining rooms were opened, with restrictions, beginning May 11.
Some retail stores have been open since April 20, including those selling furniture, books, music, flowers, clothing and accessories, as well as department stores, sporting goods stores and flea markets.
Beaches were allowed to reopen to public access on April 21, though local governments are allowed to keep them closed.
McMaster's state of emergency executive order has been extended to May 12.
Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman said May 19 that in-person graduation ceremonies with gatherings of large groups of people could begin as early as May 29.
South Dakota
Gov. Kristi L. Noem did not issue a stay-at-home order.
"We have seen such an outstanding call to action among the people of South Dakota that we actually have more people staying home than many of the other states that have put in shelter-in-place orders and have put together directives to tell people they can't leave their homes," she said at a town hall hosted by South Dakota Public Broadcasting on April 15.
Noem announced on April 13 that South Dakota would be the first state to conduct a hydroxychloroquine trial to test against Covid-19.
Gov. Bill Lee issued a new executive order to replace his previous stay-at-home order. The new order will expire on May 30.
"The order allows Tennesseans and businesses to return to work in all industries where that can be safely accomplished by following health guidelines, while urging employers to allow or require remote work/telework if possible," according to the press release.
Restaurants, retail outlets, and gyms have been allowed to reopen in most counties in the state.
Close contact services like salons and barbershops were allowed to reopen on May 6 in 89 of the state's 95 counties, Lee announced on April 29.
On May 21, the governor signed an executive order raising the number of people allowed to participate in a social and recreational activities from 10 to 50.
The state’s stay-at-home order expired May 1.
Gov. Greg Abbott announced May 18 that child care centers and office buildings will be allowed to reopen now, and many more businesses from bowling alleys to rodeos and professional sports in coming days.
At the end of the week, on May 22, restaurants, which were allowed to reopen May 1 at 25% capacity, can increase to 50% capacity. Also bars, wine tasting rooms and craft breweries can open at a 25% capacity, the governor said. Those capacity limits do not apply to outdoor areas that maintain safe distances, according to Abbott.
Also on May 22 various businesses such as bowling alleys, bingo halls and skating rinks as well as rodeos, zoos and aquariums may all open at 25% capacity.
On May 31, the governor said, some professional sports can apply to the Department of State Health Services for approval to hold events without spectators, including golf, outdoor racing, baseball, softball, tennis, football and basketball.
Also on May 31 youth sports camps and programs such as Little League will be able to open. Parents will be allowed to spectate, as long as social distancing is followed, according to Abbott. Also summer camps and other daytime and overnight camps can open.
On June 1, school districts are allowed to open for summer school classes as long as distancing practices are followed, Abbott said.
Gov. Gary Herbert issued an executive order that places Utah under "moderate risk" protocols for Covid-19 beginning May 1 and will remain in effect until May 16.
Utah has not issued a stay-at-home mandate.
"We aren't returning to business as usual yet," Herbert said. "In fact, we will not return to 'normal' for a significant period of time. But Utahns' diligence over the past month has given us time to build our healthcare capacity and PPE stores. We can now cautiously relax some requirements, and allow businesses that were closed to operate with safety measures in place."
The state allowed restaurants to let customers dine in again "with extreme precaution" starting May 1.
Although in-person dining will be allowed as long as social distancing is maintained and the health of employees is monitored, the state still says takeout and delivery are preferable. Similarly, the state allowed gyms to reopen, but says it is recommended that they remain closed.
Personal services businesses like hair salons can reopen with social distancing, according to the state's moderate risk guidelines.
Though a "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order is in effect until May 15, certain restrictions have been relaxed.
Starting May 6, gatherings of 10 or less people are allowed. Gov. Phil Scott recommended, but did not require, that these gatherings happen outdoors. Adults ages 65 and older are asked to continue to stay home due to the risk of severe illness, the governor said.
Outdoor recreational locations such as skate parks, tennis courts, ball fields, trail networks, and golf courses were allowed to May 6.
Starting May 4, Vermont allowed manufacturing, construction and distribution businesses to operate, with certain safety requirements.
Also on May 4, some elective surgeries and procedures could start again. Ones that require a hospital stay are not.
Scott said he hopes to allow child care services to restart on June 1.
Gov. Ralph Northam issued a stay-at-home order effective until June 10. A separate executive order that restricted certain businesses and crowds of more than 10 people will expire May 14. The order has closed recreation, entertainment, and personal care businesses, and limits restaurants to offering takeout and delivery services only.
Elective surgery and dental procedures in Virginia were allowed to resume May 1.
Gov. Jay Inslee extended Washington's stay-at-home order until May 31.
Most state parks and recreational areas reopened May 5. The state also is allowing people to play golf again, but it will be limited to only two people playing together at a time, except when the players live in the same home. No overnight camping will be allowed on any public land.
On May 4, Inslee said individual counties can ask for an exception to state coronavirus regulations on businesses.
Throughout the state, non-essential businesses will still be prohibited from having customers in their stores, but some non-contact businesses like lawn care and car washes can resume from May 5.
On May 18 the state said it would allow non-essential medical procedures and services. Inslee emphasized that doctor’s and dentist’s offices that want to reopen must comply with health restrictions.
Of the state’s 39 counties, 22 are eligible to move to the second phase of reopening. On May 19 Inslee issued new criteria, which focus on counties having less than 10 new cases per 100,000 residents over a 14-day span, the governor said.
Religious and faith-based organizations in Phase 1 counties may host up to 100 people for outdoor services. In Phase 2, they can host to up to 25% of their capacity or 50 individuals, whichever is less, as well as conduct in-home services of five people.
Phase 2 also allows for in-store retail purchases with restrictions, reopening of barbershops and salons, and the reopening of restaurants at 50% capacity and table sizes no larger than five.
West Virginia
The stay-at-home order for West Virginia was lifted at 12:01 a.m. May 4 and replaced with another order, Gov. Jim Justice said.
The new order still encourages people to stay at home but doesn't require it, Justice said.
Pharmacists, chiropractors, dentists, psychologists, physical therapists, and social workers have been allowed to return to work.
Indoor dining at restaurants can resume May 21 as can shopping at large or specialty retail stores.
Justice on May 14 added fitness centers, gyms and recreation centers to the list of places allowed to open, starting May 18. Rock climbing business could reopen May 15, and whitewater rafting and ziplining businesses on May 21. All must follow restrictions and guidelines.
On May 18 Justice said indoor shopping malls will be allowed to reopen May 21. He added that bars could open at 50% capacity May 26. Museums, visitor centers and zoos can also open that day.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state's stay-at-home order, ruling it unlawful and unenforceable in a high-profile win for the state's Republican-led Legislature.
In a 4-3 decision May 13, the court ruled that Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' administration overstepped its authority when the state Department of Health Services extended the order to May 26.
On May 18, the governor said he won't pursue implementing a new statewide Covid-19 plan after the first proposal was rejected.
Bars and restaurants were allowed to reopen on Friday, May 15 under an order signed by Gov. Mark Gordon.
“We are trying to work our way safely to as normal conditions as we can get,” Gov. Gordon said May 13.
Tables will be limited to six people, but unlike most states with similar regulations, people from different households will be allowed to sit at the same table. Buffet service is not allowed, and tables must be separated by at least 6 feet. All restaurant employees must be screened for Covid-19 symptoms before beginning work.
Movie theaters and salon are being allowed to open with social distancing, and public gatherings of up to 25 people will be allowed.
The state will allow gatherings of up to 250 people, beginning July 1, the governor said May 27. But at the same time, the state announced that upward of a dozen rodeos and related events across the state will not take place this year.
Among the events being canceled is Cheyenne Frontier Days, which organizers say is the world’s largest indoor rodeo.
The health orders are set to expire on May 31. Some counties have been given permission to loosen regulations even more.
Correction: This story has been updated to correct details about what businesses in Nebraska will be closed and the duration of those closings.
CNN's Andy Rose, Yahya Abou-Ghazala, Keith Allen, Chris Boyette, Rosa Flores, Cat Gloria, Jennifer Henderson, Alicia Lee, Gregory Lemos, Jamiel Lynch, Christina Maxouris, Eliott C. McLaughlin, Jason Morris, Artemis Moshtaghian, Shawn Nottingham, Raja Razek, Rebekah Riess, Kristina Sgueglia, Ganesh Setty, Joe Sutton, Konstantin Toropin, Angie Trindade, Theresa Waldrop, Sara Weisfeldt and Dylan Wells contributed to this report.